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New York City Photo Workshop


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New York City Photo Workshop

  • New York City New York, NY, 10022 United States (map)

Capital Photography Center Workshop

New York City Photo Workshop

Be a part of it, New York, New York, a place to wake up in a city that doesn’t sleep. This New York City photography workshop will leave you king of the hill, top of the heap, A number one, as the little town blues melt away.
Make a brand new start of your photography by photographing on the same streets as famous New York photographers such as Berenice Abbott, Joel Meyerowitz, Dorothea Lange, and Alfred Stieglitz. New York’s melting pot of culture, architecture and vibrant life offer endless opportunities to photograph all times of the day and night.

Join two talented instructors covering two exciting photography genres. Instructors Michael Koren and Marie Joabar lead you thru New York City in this unique Photo Workshop focused on both Street Photography as well as Night Photography. 

Each day we will explore areas that offer the best photographic opportunities. We will help you with photography in low light, using long exposure, street settings, architectural features by helping you immediately define your subject and perfect your composition. You will not document what you see but you will photograph what you feel.

We will be photographing much of the time but we'll also will give you downtime to relax, recharge, enjoy each other’s company or explore the city on your own. We will be walking, using the subway and the ferry to travel to our destinations.
We'll be exploring the best of Brooklyn; DUMBO, Brooklyn Bridge Park, Domino Park, as well as streets of Manhattan and in Central Park. We'll do an early morning sunrise and each evening we'll be making the most of the blue hour and into the night with some exciting nighttime photo opportunities. 

Skill level: All photographers are welcome but participants should be familiar with their cameras and have some basic knowledge of the exposure controls; ISO, Aperture and Shutter speeds. 

Equipment recommendations: DSLR or Mirrorless with interchangeable lenses from 16 to 200mm (wider and longer is fine if you have that). A polarizing filter, ND filter, tripod and remote release.

Fitness: Physical activity will be medium to high.  We will be walking several miles per day along mostly paved surfaces. The days will be full and in a bustling city environment.

What’s included: field instruction, in field image review, pre-workshop preparation meeting, post workshop image share and review.

What’s not included: Meals and transportation. You might consider taking the train, Amtrak offers several trips from DC to NYC each day. 

Dates: The Workshop begins on Thursday, September 19 at 4pm and concludes on Sunday, September 22 at 10am, after our morning shoot. There will be an introduction and orientation session on a weeknight evening prior to the workshop via Zoom. 

Class Limit: 9-10

Register here:

Later Event: September 29
Great Shots in the Urban World