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Private - Personal Instruction


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Private - Personal Instruction

I offer personal instruction throughout the Baltimore/Washington DC metro area to individuals and small groups with three instructional packages to better meet your needs.  Choose the package that fits you or your small group best.

Please contact me at to learn more.

I am also available for corporate events such as team building classes centered around photography. Please contact me for rates at

Basic Package: Best for advanced level photographers that want specialized instruction

  • $100/hr for an individual

  • $150/hr for a small group (2-5 people)

  • Two hour minimum

Better Package: Best for intermediate level photographers that need minimal support

  • Basic Package PLUS email support for one month after instruction

  • Add one time fee of $100 individual; $150 small group

Optimum Package: Best for new photographers that need support and personal reinforcement

  • Better Package PLUS bi-weekly one hour phone support for one month after instruction

  • Add one time fee of $200 individual; $300 small group